River City Dental Solutions PLLC

How Common Is Tooth Loss? Tooth Loss Statistics

Apr 9, 2019 @ 02:37 PM — by Joseph Perry, DDS
Tagged with: Restorative Dentistry Dental Implants

Accidents, genetic disorders, and poor oral hygiene are all common causes of tooth loss in the United States. If you are missing one or more teeth, Doctors Joseph Perry and Thomas Shields offer several restorative dentistry treatments that can replace missing teeth. Our doctors and skilled staff have the knowledge and advanced tools to rebuild your smile.

At River City Dental Solutions in San Antonio, TX, we want our patients to be well informed about tooth loss, so we compiled this overview of tooth loss statistics.

A Look at Tooth Loss in the United States

Age is a leading risk factor for tooth loss. As we age, hormonal changes result in lower jawbone density. The National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research compiled these statistics:

Note that these figures include the four wisdom teeth, which are often removed in a patient’s teens or early 20s.

The American College of Prosthodontics provided these facts and figures:

What Are Common Causes of Tooth Loss?

Besides advanced age, decay is one leading cause of tooth loss. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that 20 percent of adults over 65 have untreated tooth decay, while 91 percent of adults ages 20 to 64 have had a cavity at some point in their life.

Other causes of tooth loss include:

How Can I Restore a Lost Tooth?

Once one of our dentists in San Antonio establishes your candidacy for restorative treatment, you can benefit from one or more of these procedures.

Contact Our Office Today

A missing tooth does not have to be a long-term setback. During your consultation with one of our doctors, you will be provided with multiple treatment plans to replace your missing teeth. Our doctors are highly experienced and focus on providing comprehensive, individualized care. To schedule your first appointment, contact us online or call (210) 349-3745 in San Antonio.