River City Dental Solutions PLLC

Can Smoking Cause Dental Implant Failure?

Mar 30, 2016 @ 10:00 AM — by Joseph Perry, DDS
Tagged with: Dental Implants Restorative Dentistry

Dental implants can restore dental function and appearance for those who suffer from one or more missing teeth. Mini dental implants offer the same benefits as traditional dental implants with the advantage of a reduced recovery time and instant results. One of the most significant factors in the success of any dental implant treatment is whether or not a person smokes. If you smoke and are considering dental implant treatment, it's important you understand the risks associated with smoking and dental implants. To learn about your specific risks, schedule a consultation with San Antonio, TX dentist Joseph Perry.

Smoking Increases the Risk of Complications

As with any surgery, dental implant treatment carries some risks. However, the chance of experiencing complications after dental implant surgery is greatly increased in smokers. Smoking negatively impacts the body in a number of ways, one of which is impairing the body's ability to heal. This is because smoking reduces the amount of oxygen hemoglobin in the blood.

Oxygen is essential for cellular health and the healing process. The success of dental implant surgery depends on the healing of the jawbone tissue around the dental implant, a process called osseointegration. Smoking poses many additional risks to the success of dental implant treatment, including:

Preparing for Dental Implant Surgery

Those who smoke can help reduce their risk of complications after dental implant surgery by preparing well before their surgery. It's imperative that smokers stop smoking a minimum of four weeks prior to surgery. However, the further in advance smokers stop smoking, the better. When a patient stops smoking, the chemicals leave the body and good oxygen levels are restored to the blood.

Additionally, smokers will need to avoid smoking throughout the recovery process, which may take more than six weeks, to help further reduce the risk of complications. These tips can help you stop smoking prior to dental implant surgery and during recovery:

Schedule a Consultation

For more information about smoking and dental implants, including personalized tips to help you quit smoking, we invite you to schedule a consultation with Dr. Perry.