River City Dental Solutions PLLC

Denture Wearers - How to Maintain Gum Health

Oct 29, 2015 @ 11:11 AM — by Joseph Perry, DDS
Tagged with: Dentures Periodontal Health Gum Recession Gum Disease

Patients know that they can trust the team at San Antonio Denture Solutions. Dr. Joseph Perry is an experienced dentist who is committed to advanced dental wellness. He created custom dentures for to address major tooth loss.

Part of the custom denture process is getting patients to understand their role in lasting dental health. With that in mind, let's consider some basic periodontal health concerns for people wearing dentures.

Gum Health Is Crucial When You Have Dentures

Patients who get dentures should be mindful of their gum health for the years ahead. This is not something that always crosses people's minds since they tend to focus on the health of their remaining teeth, but gum health is crucial for having a healthy mouth and dentures that serve you well. Good oral hygiene and noting changes in the fit of your dentures is crucial, and a number of periodontal health matters can have an affect on your dentures.

Gum Recession Can Affect Denture Fit and General Health

Gum recession is a common issue related to tooth loss. When you are missing a tooth or multuple teeth, there is no root structure or tooth from the bone and gum tissue to support. As a result, it's not uncommon for recession to occur in the area of a tooth gap. If you have a removable full denture, there is an increased risk of gum recession since so many teeth are missing along the dental arch.

Be mindful of the fit of your dentures. Loose dentures and frequent slippages of the denture may be the sign of gum recession or bone loss. Both are legitimate reasons to have a denture adjusted or re-fit.

Gum Disease Can Lead to Serious Dental Problems

Gum disease is another issue that many people face, and it can have a negative impact on your denture fit and effectiveness. Gum disease is the bacterial infection of the gum tissue. There are three levels of gum disease:

All levels of gum disease need to be taken seriously since they can lead to gum recession and much more serious dental problems, affecting denture fit, the comfort of the denture, and other dental health matters.

Brush and Floss Regularly

Be sure to brush and floss your remaining teeth regularly to keep the oral bacteria in your mouth under control. Brush at least twice a day and floss at least once a night.

Keep Your Denture Clean

Always be sure to remove, clean, and soak your denture. This will eliminate a lot of the oral bacteria that can contribute to gum disease.

Avoid Smoking and Tobacco Products

Smoking and the use of tobacco products makes gum disease and gum recession more likely. This is just another compelling reason to kick that bad habit for good.

Consider Implant-Supported Dentures

Dentures supported by dental implants help patients avoid issues with bone loss and gum recession since there is some root structure in place. Keep implant-supported dentures in mind if you require an appliance to replace lost teeth.

Visit Your Dentist Regularly for Checkups

It's important to visit your dentist twice a year for regular checkups. Your dentist will be able to perform routine exams and cleanings that help you prevent gum disease and recession. In addition, the fit of your dentures can be addressed regularly in case an adjustment or re-fitting is required.

Contact San Antonio Denture Solutions

For more information about dentures and how you can maintain great dental health, be sure to contact our advanced denture clinic today. Dr. Joseph Perry and the entire team at the practice looks forward to your visit and helping you have a healthy and beautiful smile.