River City Dental Solutions PLLC

What Are the Dental Care Needs of Senior Citizens?

Jun 30, 2015 @ 11:00 AM — by Joseph Perry, DDS
Tagged with: General Dentistry Missing Teeth Restorative Dentistry Dentures

Dr. Joseph Perry and the entire team at San Antonio Denture Solutions is pleased to offer patients some of the finest dental care in the region. This includes custom dentures for major tooth loss as well as other dental care services that improve overall health and wellness.

These concerns are of particular interest to elderly patients given the health issues that they face. Let's consider some of the dental care needs of elderly patients.

Dental Treatments for Missing Teeth

Tooth loss is a common dental health problem for the elderly. This may be the result of long-term wear and tear on the teeth or on the gums. When patients are missing teeth, this can lead to problems biting and chewing as well as issues with eating certain foods and maintaining a good diet.

In terms of the treatment options for missing teeth, the ideal procedure will depend on the extent of the patient's tooth loss. When missing most of the teeth along the dental arch, the ideal treatment option is generally a partial denture or a full denture. For less severe tooth loss, a dental bridge may suffice. The ideal treatment can be determined when an elderly patient visits the practice to meet with his or her dentist.

Advanced Tooth Decay and Tooth Damage

Long-term wear and tear on the teeth can mean advanced tooth decay, major chips and cracks, and other kinds of structural issues that affect the health of a patient's teeth. In order to address these matters, a wide range of dental restorations are available, including fillings, inlays, onlays, and crowns.

Gum Recession and Gum Disease

With advanced age, issues with gum disease and gum recession become more likely as well. There are numerous treatments to consider in order to address the infected gum tissue, including the use of antiseptic rinses and antibiotics. As or gum recession, a number of treatments are available that can help rebuild lost gum tissue.

TMJ Disorders

One of the consequences of gradual wear and tear to the structures of your mouth means issues with the jaw joint. It's one of the most complicated joints in the body, and dysfunction of the joint can mean locking, popping, and pain in the jaw. Numerous therapies can be used to address these matters.

Persistent Dry Mouth

With age, it's common for people to notice issues with dry mouth. This is because of reduced activity in the salivary glands related to the aging process. There are many options for prevention and treatment with regard to dry mouth that we can discuss during your visit.

Screenings for Oral Cancer

The chances of developing oral cancer increase as you age, which is why regular screenings for cancer are important for general wellness. During each visit, you dentist will take x-rays and will also note any sores or lesions that may be the sign of a more serious problem.

Routine Checkups and Cleanings

The basics are always important, no matter your age, which is why routine checkups are so crucial when it comes to maintaining dental wellness and preventing dental health problems of various kinds.

Schedule a Consultation at San Antonio Denture Solutions

To learn more about your many different dental health and general wellness needs, be sure to contact our advanced denture and restorative dentistry center today. Dr. Joseph Perry and the team at the practice will help you have a smile that's healthy as well as beautiful.